Winning the Fight Against Boxwood Blight: A Year-Round Biological Treatment Plan

Boxwood Blight Treatment Plan – Seasonal Application Guide

The treatment schedule is designed to prevent, manage, and recover from Boxwood Blight while improving soil health year-round.

Spring (March - May)

Goal: Preventative Care & Early Detection

  • Start treatments before new growth appears to prevent fungal infections.

  • Improve soil conditions to support healthy plant development.

  • Remove fallen leaves and prune dead material to minimize fungal spores.


  • March: Apply Bokashi Bran to the soil at 0.4kg per m² to promote beneficial microbes.

  • April: Start Actiferm + Guard foliar spray (every 2-3 weeks).

  • May: Apply Edasil Clay Minerals and Vulkamin Granules to enhance plant resilience.

Summer (June - August)

Goal: Disease Control During Warm & Humid Periods

  • The risk of Boxwood Blight increases in warm, humid weather.

  • Maintain consistent treatments to prevent outbreaks.


  • June - August: Continue Actiferm + Guard foliar sprays (every 2 weeks).

  • Mid-July: Apply Ostrea Seashell Lime if soil pH is too acidic.

  • Monitor plants weekly for signs of infection; increase spray frequency if symptoms appear.

Autumn (September - November)

Goal: Strengthen Plants for Winter & Reduce Spore Spread

  • Clear fallen leaves and debris to prevent fungal spore buildup.

  • Boost soil health to prepare plants for winter dormancy.


  • September: Apply another round of Bokashi Bran to improve soil microbial health.

  • October - November: Reduce foliar sprays to once a month as plant activity slows.

  • Apply Vulkamin Granules to reinforce plant immunity before winter.

Winter (December - February)

Goal: Protect Dormant Plants & Prepare for Spring

  • Plants are dormant, but soil health should be maintained.

  • Focus on soil amendments rather than foliar applications.


  • December - January: Apply Edasil Clay Minerals and Ostrea Seashell Lime to maintain soil balance.

  • February: Begin monitoring for early disease signs and prepare for the spring treatment cycle.

    Expected Long-Term Results

    • Year 1: Improved soil microbial activity, reduced infection rates.

    • Year 2: Stronger, healthier plants with fewer outbreaks.

    • Year 3+: Established disease-resistant Boxwood with minimal intervention.

    Following this schedule ensures year-round protection and enhances the natural immunity of Boxwood plants against blight while maintaining sustainable soil health.


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